ENGL10072 Literature and History
Lecture Schedule/ Reading
1 Intro: Reading: TBC (one article)
Early Modern
2 Milton, sonnets and sections from Paradise Lost/ Civil war (texts on Blackboard)
3 Dryden (texts on Blackboard)
4 Dryden (texts on Blackboard)
Enlightenment to ‘Revolution(s)’
5 Price/ Burke/ Barbauld/ Paine/ Wollstonecraft (texts on Blackboard)
6 Coleridge and Wordworth, Lyrical Ballads 1 (Please buy and read this text)
7 Coleridge and Wordworth, Lyrical Ballads 2
8 Edgeworth, Castle Rackrent and selections from Scott (Please buy and read this text)
Essay due
Remembering the holocaust
9 Sebald, Austerlitz (Please buy and read this text)
10 Spiegelman, Maus (Please buy and read this text)
11 Keneally, Schindler’s List (Please buy and read this text)
Sam Fernes l English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writing Programmes Administrator|
The School of Arts, Languages & Cultures l Room W113 Samuel Alexander Building |The University of Manchester |Oxford Road Manchester, M13 9PL | Tel. +44 (0) 161 275 8590|
Working hours:
Monday 10.00-6.00
Tuesday 8.00-4.00
Thursday 8.00-4.00