
Tuesday, 23 December 2014

ENGL10072 Literature and History

ENGL10072 Literature and History 

Lecture Schedule/ Reading 

1 Intro: Reading: TBC (one article)

Early Modern

2 Milton, sonnets and sections from Paradise Lost/ Civil war (texts on Blackboard)

3 Dryden (texts on Blackboard)

4 Dryden (texts on Blackboard)

Enlightenment to ‘Revolution(s)’

5 Price/ Burke/ Barbauld/ Paine/ Wollstonecraft (texts on Blackboard)

6 Coleridge and Wordworth, Lyrical Ballads 1 (Please buy and read this text)

7 Coleridge and Wordworth, Lyrical Ballads 2 

8 Edgeworth, Castle Rackrent and selections from Scott (Please buy and read this text)

Essay due


Remembering the holocaust 

9 Sebald, Austerlitz (Please buy and read this text)

10 Spiegelman, Maus (Please buy and read this text)

11 Keneally, Schindler’s List (Please buy and read this text)




Sam Fernes  English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writing Programmes Administrator| 

The School of Arts, Languages & Cultures l  Room W113 Samuel Alexander Building |The University of Manchester |Oxford Road Manchester, M13 9PL |  Tel. +44 (0) 161 275 8590|

EAS blog

Working hours:

Monday                  10.00-6.00

Tuesday                  8.00-4.00

Thursday                 8.00-4.00



ENGL10062 Theory and Text

ENGL10062 Theory and Text


Introduction to Literature Criticism and Theory 4th Edition by Bennett & Royle (Taylor & Francis)*


Mythologies by Barthes (Vintage)


Poetics by Aristotle (Penguin Classics)


Apology for Poetry by Sidney (Manchester University Press)


Northanger Abbey by Austen (Norton Critical Edition



*This is the main text and is essential reading for the entire course.