
Monday 17 October 2011

State of the Arts – Podcasting Initiative

The State of the Arts Podcast, produced by Arts researchers at the University of Manchester, will go live in early 2012.

The State of the Arts will feature news, reviews, discussion and debate on a range of topics relating to the Arts.  The Podcast will include thematic episodes providing detailed investigations into specific topical issues, debates between academics, and discussion of research being undertaken at the University of Manchester, as well as episodes considering issues in conducting research in the Arts in more general terms.

State of the Arts will be produced by researchers across all subject areas in the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures at the University of Manchester, and will provide academics and postgraduates not only with a forum for discussion and debate, but also with an opportunity to engage a wider public audience with their research.

The Podcast will be intended for a diverse audience, whether within or outside the academy.  There will be something for everyone in State of the Arts.

Upcoming events:
Tuesday 25 October 2011, 5pm         
Informal Meeting for Podcast Committee at the Ducie Arms, Manchester
Monday 21 November 2011             
Podcasting for Arts Researchers (Methods and Engagement) Training Course; University of Manchester Arts students only
Monday 12 December 2011              
Podcasting for Arts Researchers (Recording and Editing Masterclass) Training Course; University of Manchester Arts students only

For further information, please contact

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