
Tuesday 30 October 2012



On Thursday 8th November, Inside Film will be coming to the Department to talk about and show clips from their new film based on Engels' classic text The Condition of the Working Class in England.  Writers and performers from the film will be talking to students on the 'Writing Workers/Workers Writing' course.  However, there are a few additional places available - please contact Dr Michael Sanders ( to reserve a place.


For details of the film itself follow the link below:!prettyPhoto

Monday 29 October 2012

Careers events for SALC students

Are you considering a career in the arts, media, law or teaching? Then these forthcoming careers events might be of interest. See below for further information, and please spread the word!

Wednesday 7 November, 1.15-2.45pm, Room G19, Mansfield Cooper
Introduction to careers in the creative arts, culture and charity sectors for students within the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures

This is an event for all SALC students and you will hear from a History graduate working as a freelance theatre producer, an EAS masters graduate making their way in the media and graduates from Venture Arts, Marie Curie Cancer Care and the Manchester Museum.  They’ll be passing on tips, insights and letting you know how they got started on their career path.  Tell your friends about it!
(If you have difficulty registering, please email
Wednesday 7 November, 5.15-6.30pm, Room 5.4, Crawford House (above the Careers Service)
Media Club event – Introduction to roles in television and tips for finding work experience and jobs in the industry

The speaker for this event is Helen Tonge, Managing Director and Executive Producer of Title Role Productions.
(If you have difficulty registering, please email

Wednesday 14 November, 1.30-3.30pm, Room G19, Mansfield Cooper
Introduction to careers in law for students within the School of Arts, Language and Cultures
This is an event for all SALC students and will feature a panel of lawyers who will be sharing their experience of the law profession and providing helpful tips and insights.  The session will begin with a talk explaining routes into law, the professional legal courses you need to apply for and deadlines for doing this.
(if you have difficulty registering, please email
Tuesday 13 November, 1.00-4.30pm, Room 5.004, Fifth Floor, Crawford House (above the Careers Service)
Insight into Teaching
This session aims to help you identify the skills needed in teaching and will give you an insight into the work of a classroom teacher.  If will also suggests ways of developing your experience plus you can pick up tips on how to make a successful application to a PGCE course.  You will have the chance to hear from teachers and other contributors including tutors on the University of Manchester PGCE, Teach First and The Tutor Trust.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Manchester Gold Mentoring scheme

Manchester Gold Mentoring has been running for over 10 years and aims to help students with career planning and decision making about their future options. The scheme is open to all existing UG and PG students, regardless of residential status or the year of study. Students are matched on a one to one basis with a mentor and will be in contact with them over a nine month period.

Need to know what you can do with your degree?  
Apply for a career mentor now...
We have a wide range of mentors available this year who have studied similar degrees to you. They can help you understand what your options might be when you graduate. You don’t have to be a final year student, the programme is open to all year groups. It’s one of the most effective ways to improve your employability and make the right decisions about your future. To see our list of mentors and apply please visit: 

Monday 22 October 2012

New Creative Writing Society at the University of Manchester

The purpose of the society is to bring together anyone and everyone from the university who likes doing any kind of writing, be it prose, poetry, plays or anything else. We get together, discuss ideas and compare work as well as organizing socials and collective writing sessions.

As the society becomes larger, our aim is to use university funding to attract guest speakers, writers and publishers to do workshops and talks. Also, we are looking to organize putting out some form of showcase publications, for anyone who is particularly serious, by building links with The Mancunion and Black & Blue along with various other organizations.

Please follow the link below to THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER CREATIVE WRITING SOCIETY facebook page:

Joe Moran talk/masterclass

Postgraduate students in particular might be interested in the following event taking place this week - please spread the word!

Researching recent history: 
Talk/ masterclass with Joe Moran (Liverpool John Moores)
Armchair Nation: An Intimate History of Britain in Front of the Television 
Joe will be reading from his new book and talking about writing for general readerships
Location: Mansfield Cooper 2.04
Time: 3.30-4.30pm
Date: Thursday 25 October



Student reps are volunteers who give up their time to act as a point of contact between students and staff. Please make sure that you know who the reps are for your year and that you pass on comments and questions to them for discussion at the regular Staff-Student Liaison Committee meeting.

BUT... remember that they are students like you, with essay deadlines to meet and exams to revise for, so DO be considerate and DO remember to pass on positive comments as well as complaints or problems.

Here are the details of the reps for 2012-13:

BA 1st year:
Lindsey Walker -
James Broadway -
Charlotte Evans -
Isobel Cecil -

BA 2nd year:
Harriet Hill-Payne -
Imogen Burgess -
Helen McCarthy -

BA 3rd year:
Amelia Thornton -
Lily Mund -
Ellie Hughes -
Nathan Jeeawock -

MA/taught postgraduate:
Marijn Ceelen -
Eleanor Savell -
Victoria Fitton -

Rena Jackson -
David Firth -

And if you have more general queries about student representation, the SSLC meeting, Academic Advising or Peer Mentoring, you are welcome to get in touch with me, at

Kaye Mitchell
Staff-Student Liaison Officer and Senior Adviser
English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writing 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

EAC Research Seminar | Wittgenstein/Ethics

The next EAC Research Seminar will feature a paper by Dr Ben Ware, a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow in the SALC at Manchester, who will present work in progress from his current book project, prospectively entitled Modernism and the Ethical Turn.


"Seeing the Everyday Otherwise: Vision, Ethics and Utopia in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations"

Weds 17 October | Samuel Alexander A113 | 5pm


The paper will focus on Part II, section xi of Philosophical Investigations in which Wittgenstein discusses Jastrow's 'duck-rabbit' figure. The two main questions it will explore are the following: First, to what extent can Wittgenstein's interest in seeing - and, more specifically, what he terms 'seeing-as' or 'the "dawning" of an aspect' - be understood as having an ethical point? And second, how might the ethicality of the Investigations be connected with the work's modernist sensibility, especially with its repeated efforts to bring us to see the everyday otherwise?


Dr Daniela Caselli will chair the seminar. Staff and postgraduates from across the School are very welcome indeed; any enquiries can be directed to