Thursday 28 February 2013
EAC PG Social
You are warmly invited to an EAC spring celebration at Kro Bar (Oxford Road, M13 9PG), Thursday, 7 March, from 5.00, in the upstairs rooms. Apart from welcoming the warmer weather (they say), we also hope to welcome our new PhD students and any other new arrivals to EAC.
Do join us for some free wine and for the legendary fast-disappearing snacks. Postgraduates and members of staff are all welcome.
Best wishes
David Firth and Rena Jackson
Postgraduate Representatives
English, America Studies and Creative Writing
Wednesday 27 February 2013
Name this blog
Student Blog Competition
Monday 25 February 2013
Mike Sanders on Radio 4
Friday 22 February 2013
EAC Research Seminars Spring 2013
All seminars are in A113 (Samuel Alexander Building) at 5 o’clock
Wednesday 27th February
Prof Jonathan Lamb, Vanderbilt University
‘Scorbutic Nostalgia and the Trials of Imagination’
Wednesday 6th March
Dr John Nash, Durham
‘“Talk, talk, talk”: Virginia Woolf and Ireland’
Wednesday 20th March
Prof. Simon Gikandi (John Edward Taylor Visiting Fellow), Princeton
‘Race and the Problem of Modern Time’
Wednesday 17th April
Dr Ruth Ahnert, Queen Mary
‘Network analysis and the archives: Protestant letter networks in the reign of Mary I’
Wednesday 24th April
Brook Lecture
Prof. Helen Fulton, University of York
Wednesday 1st May
Dr Santanu Das, Kings College London
‘India, Empire and the First World War: Objects, Images, Words’