
Monday 20 May 2013

Survey to examine the economic impact of PhD graduates

RCUK has launched a survey for PhD graduates to examine their career pathways, their impact in employment and how their skills contribute to innovation and growth. 

The press release is here:

Doctoral graduates from 2003-04 to 2005-06 are invited to take part in the impact and careers survey which will be open until the end of May.  The aim is to improve our understanding of the  impact of doctoral training over the medium to long-term. Questions focus on the importance of research skills and expertise developed during doctoral training in gaining employment; the extent to which the doctoral degree experience enabled graduates to progress towards their long-term career aspirations; the relevance and importance of their doctoral training in contributing to key activities in their roles.

The survey is available at

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Issues in the Digital Humanities: A Key Skills Package for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers.

Issues in the Digital Humanities: A Key Skills Package for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers.

This is a two-day event focusing the production and research implications of digitised archive material, run in collaboration with the Working Class Movement Library, Salford.

The first day features an introductory training course on how to plan and manage a project to digitise archive materials. This will be delivered by the Digital Preservation Training Coalition, and will use materials from the library as case studies.

The second day will feature panels and key note talks on the uses of digital materials in research and teaching. Our key note speakers will by Helen Rogers (LJMU) and Jim Mussell (Birmingham).