
Thursday, 7 June 2012

Humanities Teaching and Learning Showcase

The next Showcase event will be held on Tuesday 3rd July from 1pm in the main foyer of the Roscoe Building.

Presentations will focus on the themes of employability, assessment and enhancing contact with students.  Details about each of the presentations are available at the Showcase website.
·         Max Jones (School of Arts, Histories and Cultures):  How Your Department Can Switch Entirely to Online Essay Submission via BB Turnitin/Grademark
·         Judy Zolkiewski (Manchester Business School): Using Turnitin as a teaching device
·         Emma Packham and Richard Screaton (Division of Development and Alumni Relations):  Alumni Engagement for Student Recruitment, Experience & Employability
·         Tim Jones (Manchester Enterprise Centre, Manchester Business School):  Enterprise essentials
·         Rosie Jones and Alyssa Phillips (University Library):  What to expect at the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons, opening this Autumn 2012
·         Jane Ratchford (Careers & Employability):  Improving Student Employabiity & Graduate Destination Data 
·         Nuno Ferreira (School of Law):  Designing and delivering a simulation exercise
·         Paul Middleditch (School of Social Sciences):  Interaction in Lectures with Mobile Devices - Some Evidence
·         Andrew Russell (School of Social Sciences):  Use of Video; Essay Advice Vidcasts
·         Andrew Gold (Faculty Office, eLearning team) :  Resources created by students for the wider world - a case study
Colleagues can register for the Showcase via the Showcase website
Throughout the afternoon, there will be a number of stalls providing information and demonstrations pertinent to teaching and learning in Humanities.
·         Library:  Talis Aspire, digitising texts and support for teaching and learning
·         Careers:  Information on the variety of tools and resources available to staff for use in supporting students such as the academic toolkit, academic FAQ sheets, and CMS support.
·         Humanities Sabbatical Interns:  Peer Assisted Study Sessions and Peer Mentoring
·         Humanities eLearning Team:  demonstrations of Blackboard 9, WIMBA Classroom, BoB and other online technologies
·         Student System (Campus Solutions): how Campus Solutions can be used to support the Academic Adviser role, information on reporting from Campus Solutions, latest functionality and the opportunity to raise queries.
·         Manchester Enterprise Centre

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