
Monday 21 March 2011

UMSU message about this week's strikes and demonstrations

Tuesday 22nd and Thursday 24th November the lecturers at our University will be picketing outside all University buildings, from 7am onwards. There will also be a rally on Tuesday at 12pm at Uni Place and Thursday at 12pm in All Saints Park.

The strikes are in protest against the destructive changes to their pensions. They protest against attacks on pay - the current pay offer is a mere 0.4% despite the rate of inflation being 5% and Vice Chancellor pay rises of up to  20%. They also stand against job cuts which could lead to an estimated 40,000 redundancies in the University sector.

Please come out and support your lecturers. This is just one part of the wider attack on higher education so we must carry on the fight and work together to save our Universities.


26th March, London

Deep spending cuts damage public services, hit the vulnerable and threaten recovery.

They're dangerous, unfair and unnecessary. But there's an alternative - one that's fair, safe and sustainable:
• A Robin Hood tax on the banks
• Close tax loopholes
• Policies for jobs and green growth

We're going to march to tell the government they need to change course.

Manchester Against Fees & Cuts has organised coaches leaving from the Union at 6am and leaving London at 8pm. They are £10 each from the Ticket Office in the Students' Union.

There will also be some minibuses going from Friday to Sunday for £20 each which you can also buy from the Ticket Office. Crash space will be organised.

But be quick! There are few tickets left!

Hopefully see you on the streets,

Amanda Walters
Campaigns Officer
University of Manchester Students' Union

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