
Monday, 12 March 2012

BAFTSS Awards - call for submissions


Call for Submissions to the First Annual BAFTSS Awards
The British Association for Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) wishes to recognise the research achievements of its members through the BAFTSS Annual Awards. All BAFTSS members are eligible to submit work in the following categories (all submissions must be in the English language and must be on a topic in the field of film, television, and screen studies):
  • Best Monograph (a single-authored book, published between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2011)
  • Best Article in a Refereed Journal (published between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2011)
  • Best Postgraduate Student Essay (BAFTTS Student members enrolled during the period between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2011 on postgraduate degree courses in Film, Television or Screen Studies at a British University). Submissions in this category should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Essays must not have been previously published, but should be of a standard that they could be submitted in their present form to a peer-reviewed journal. They can include work that has been submitted fully or in parts as an assessed degree requirement (coursework, dissertation chapter etc.). Essays written specifically for the competition are also eligible.

Deadline for all submissions is May 31, 2012.

Apart from submitting their own work, members may nominate the work of fellow members. In the latter case, contact details of both nominators and nominees must be supplied, and the nominated author must consent to being nominated. Publishers are welcome to submit the work of their authors, provided these are BAFTTS members. Publishers themselves do not need to be BAFTSS members. Only one item across all categories can be submitted by (or for) each member. The BAFTSS Awards Committee will determine the winners. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony during the BAFTTS AGM which we plan to hold on 20 September 2012. Details will be announced in due course. Award recipients will be notified prior to the event.

Membership of BAFTSS is open to anybody regardless of nationality, and book and essay awards are also open to any member who wishes to make a submission. Given the uncertainty regarding the volume of submissions – this being the first year the competition is running – we have decided to restrict the submissions in the category of student essays to UK only. We envisage that with increased financial and administrative support as BAFTSS grows, we will open this category as well to all members in future years.

Submissions should be sent via email in PDF format to the following addresses
1. For the monograph award
2. For the award for an article in a refereed journal
3. For the award for best postgraduate student essay

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