
Sunday 21 November 2010

Email your MP

Please help us put pressure on them so that they vote against a rise in tuition fees by sending them an email. The template email is in this Facebook group or pasted below. :

Details can be found here:

Dear (Insert name) MP,

I have recently taken part in the UCU/NUS national demonstration to defend further and higher education against cuts and fees, and to protect our future.

I believe that the cuts to education, imposed by the new coalition government will have detrimental effect on current students, prospective students and communities as universities begin to withdraw services in order to balance their budgets. The removal of the Education Maintenance Allowance will have a massively negative effect on further education students and when we add to that the coalition
Governments plan to raise University tuition fees to £6-9k with the removal of state funding for all but STEM subjects I am concerned that students will be expected to pay more money for their university education and, in return, receive a poorer student experience.

The result of this Government’s action will be to shut out many of our young people from education.

We are already starting to see effects at such as:
• Course, module and campus closures
• Staff redundancies, both academic and support staff
• Less money available for student support
• Merged classes: therefore less tailored teaching and one-to-one support.
• Fewer resources: this could mean fewer books in the library, or fewer materials for students and the cost of buying materials could therefore fall to the individual student.
• Cuts to Basic Skills and ESOL provision

Countries around the world value their education systems and are working hard to attract oversees students. Cuts to higher education means that countries such as China and India will start to attract both international and domestic students taking much needed money from the system, therefore lowering the funding and standards of the UK higher education system.

Universities and colleges are also large employers in the community and contribute a huge amount of money to the local economy. Cuts to education will result in a rise in local unemployment and a reduction in the amount the institution contributes locally.

I look forward to hearing your response to these issues and ask that you do all that you can as my representative in Parliament to stop these attacks on education and fight to preserve, and fund our future.

Yours Sincerely,

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