
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Reading list for ENGL31082 Image of Language


Poems reprinted in course anthology.

John Ashbery, Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror (Carcanet)

Don Paterson, Rain (Faber).


Bazin, Victoria,
Marianne Moore and the cultures of modernity (Ashgate, 2010)

Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," in Illuminations trans. Harry Zohn (New York: Shocken Books, 1969).

Caws, Mary Ann. The art of interference : stressed readings in verbal and visual texts (Cambridge: Polity Press in association with B. Blackwell, 1989).
Cheeke, Stephen. Writing for art: the aesthetics of Ekphrasis (2008)

Costello,  Bonnie. Planets on Tables: Poetry, Still Life and the Turning World (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2008).

Donaghy, Michael. The Shape of the Dance: Essays, Interviews, Digressions.  (Picador, 2009)

Fuller, John.
W.H. Auden: a commentary (Fabers, 1998)

Hagstrum, Jean H. The Sister Arts: The Tradition of Literary Pictorialism and English Poetry from Dryden to Gray (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958).

James Heffernan, Museum of Words: The Poetics of Ekphrasis from Homer to Ashbery (Chicago: Chicago UP, 1993).
Herd, David. John Ashbery and American Poetry (Manchester UP, 2000)

Kennedy, David. The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere (Ashgate, 2012)

Krieger, Murray. Ekphrasis : the illusion of the natural sign (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992).
Lessing, G. E. "Laocoon, or On the Limits of Painting and Poetry" in German Aestheitc and Literary Criticism ed. H.B. Nisbet. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).
Levy, Ellen. Criminal ingenuity: Moore, Cornell, Ashbery, and the struggle between the arts (2011)

Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann, Twentieth-century poetry and the visual arts (Cambridge UP, 2008)

Longley, Edna. “Derek Mahon: Extreme Religion of Art.” in Poetry in Contemporary Irish Literature. Edited by Michael Kenneally. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1995, 280-303

Edna Longley, ‘No More Poems about Painting?’, in Longley, The Living Stream: Literature and Revisionism in Ireland (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Bloodaxe 1994), pp.227-51.
McCabe, Susan.
Cinematic modernism: modernist poetry and film (Cambridge UP, 2005)

McClatchy, J. D., editor. Poets on Painters: Essays on the Art of Painting by Twentieth-Century Poets. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
McLuhan, Marshall. Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962).

Mitchell, WJ.T. Iconology : image, text, ideology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986).
Mitchell, W. J. T. Picture theory : essays on verbal and visual representation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994).

Paul, Catherine E. Poetry in the museums of modernism: Yeats, Pound, Moore, Stein (2002)

Pickard, Z. Elizabeth Bishop's poetics of description (McGill UP, 2009)
Rosenbaum, Susan. ‘Elizabeth Bishop and the Miniature Museum’. Journal of Modern Literature 28:2 (2005) 61-99.

Samuels, Peggy.
Deep skin: Elizabeth Bishop and visual art (2010)

Shaw, Lytle. Frank O'Hara: the poetics of coterie (Iowa UP, 2006)

Shoptaw, John. On the outside looking out: John Ashbery's poetry (Harvard UP, 1984)

Spiegelman, Willard et al, eds. In the frame: women's ekphrastic poetry from Marianne Moore to Susan Wheeler. (Delaware UP, 2009).

Steiner, Wendy. The colors of rhetoric: problems in the relation between modern literature and painting (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982).

Stewart, Susan. Nonsense, aspects of intertextuality in folklore and literature (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979).

Vendler, Helen. Our secret discipline: Yeats and lyric form (Oxford UP, 2007)

Clair Wills, Reading Paul Muldoon. (Bloodaxe 1998)


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