
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Reading list for English 21001 Literature I

Literature 1

Course outline and reading list

                Course Unit Director: Dr Naomi Baker

Course summary

Part 1: Marlowe and the magic of the theatre (Dr Naomi Baker)


Week 1: Marlowe, Dr Faustus

Week 2: Shakespeare, The Tempest

Week 3: Jonson, The Alchemist


Part 2: Milton: politics, gender, writing (Dr Jerome de Groot)


Week 4: Milton, Paradise Lost

Week 5: Milton and gender: Paradise Lost and Lanyer, ‘Eve’s Apology’


Week 7: Milton: writing, editing, reception


Part 3: Behn: women’s writing and the canon (Prof Jacqueline Pearson)


Week 8: Aphra Behn, The Fair Jilt

Week 9: Female contemporaries of Behn: Lanyer, Cavendish, Phillips, Finch


Part 4: Pope, the mock-epic and the literary marketplace (Dr Noelle Gallagher)


Week 10: Pope, The Rape of the Lock

Week 1 Pope in the world:  Mary Leapor, ‘An Essay on Woman’; Jonathan Swift, ‘The Lady’s Dressing Room,’; John Pomfret, ‘The Choice’

Week 12: The mock-epic and the novel: Fielding, Joseph Andrews


·         Part 1: The Magic of the Theatre

Week 1: Marlowe: Doctor Faustus (Dr Naomi Baker)

Primary reading

The Norton edition of Doctor Faustus, ed. David Scott Kastan, is particularly helpful as it includes both the A- and B-texts of the play, as well as containing critical and contextual material.

Further reading: Renaissance Magic

Stuart Clark, Thinking with Demons: The Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (OUP, 1997).

Stephen Clucas, John Dee: interdisciplinary studies in English Renaissance Thought (2006)

Van Dijkhuizen, Devil Theatre: Demonic Possession and Exorcism in English Renaissance Drama (2007).

Ryan Curtis Friesen, Supernatural Fiction in Early Modern Drama and Culture (2010).

Stephen Greenblatt, Renaissance Self-Fashioning (1980).

A. Harris, Night’s Black Agents: witchcraft and magic in seventeenth-century English drama (1980)

J. S. Mebane, Renaissance Magic and the Return of the Golden Age: The Occult Tradition and Marlowe, Jonson and Shakespeare (1992)

William Poole, Milton and the Idea of the Fall (2005).

K. R. Sands, Demon Possession in Elizabethan England (2004).

Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic (1971)

Further reading: Marlowe


Patrick Cheney (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe (2004).

Lawrence Danson, ‘Christopher Marlowe: the Questioner', English Literary Renaissance 12 (1982), pp. 3-29.

Sara Munson Deats and Roberta A. Logan (eds), Placing the Plays of Christopher Marlowe (2008).

Sara Munson Deats, Sex, Gender and Desire in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe (1997)

Jonathan Dollimore and Terry Eagleton, Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (Macmillan, 2004).

J. A. Downie and J. T. Parnell eds., Constructing Christopher Marlowe (2000)

Andrew Duxfield, ‘“Resolve me of all ambiguities”: Dr Faustus and the failure to unify’, Early Modern Literary Studies 16 (2007), 7:1-21.

William Empson, Faustus and the Censor: the English Faust-Book and Marlowe’s Dr Faustus (1987)

Daryll Grantley and Peter Roberts eds., Christopher Marlowe and English Renaissance Culture (1996)

Richard Halpern, ‘Marlowe’s Theater of Night: Doctor Faustus and Capital’, ELH 71:2 (Summer 2004), 455-95.

William Hamlin, ‘Casting Doubt in Marlowe’s Dr Faustus’, SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 41:2 (Spring 2001), 257-75.

Michael Hattaway, ‘The theology of Marlowe’s Dr Faustus’, Renaissance Drama 3 (1970), pp. 51-78

Kristen Poole, ‘Dr Faustus and Reformation theology’, in Garrett A. Sullivan Jr., Patrick Cheney and Andrew Hadfield (eds.), Early Modern Drama: a Critical Companion, (2006), pp. 96-107.

David Riggs, The World of Christopher Marlowe (NY: Holt, 2004).

Simon Shepherd, Marlowe and the Politics of Elizabethan Theatre (1986)

Alan Sinfield, Faultlines: Cultural Materialism and the Politics of Dissident Reading (1992).

Alan Sinfield, Literature in Protestant England 1560-1660 (1983).

Vivien Thomas and William Tydeman (eds), Christopher Marlowe: The plays and their sources (1994).

David Webb, ‘The Interrogation of the Heavens in King Lear and Marlowe’s Dr Faustus’, Cahiers Elisabethains: Late Medieval and Renaissance Studies 61 (April 2002), 13-29.

Week 2: Shakespeare, The Tempest (Dr Naomi Baker)

Primary reading

The Norton edition of The Tempest, ed. Peter Hulme and William H. Sherman, includes a range of useful critical and contextual material.

Further reading

Francis Barker and Peter Hulme, ‘Nymphs and reapers heavily vanish: the discursive con-texts of The Tempest’, in John Drakakis (ed), Alternative Shakespeares (Routledge, 1985).

Paul Brown, ‘‘This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine’: The Tempest and the discourse of colonialism’, in Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield (eds), Political Shakespeare (MUP, 1994). 

L. Cookson and B. Loughrey, Critical Essays on The Tempest (1988).

Barbara Fuchs, ‘Conquering Islands: Contextualizing The Tempest’, Shakespeare Quarterly 48.1 (Spring, 1997), 45-62.

A. Loomba and M. Orkin (eds), Post-colonial Shakespeares (1998).

J. Thieme, Postcolonial con-texts: writing back to the canon (2002).

T. MacFaul, Problem Fathers in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama (CUP, 2012).

D. J. Palmer (ed), Shakespeare, The Tempest: A Casebook (1991)

Alden T. Vaughan, Shakespeare’s Caliban: A Cultural History (1991).

Week 3: Jonson, The Alchemist (Dr Naomi Baker)

Primary Reading

The Oxford World’s Classics edition, The Alchemist and Other Plays ed. Gordon Campbell, is a good recent edition of the play.

Further reading

Bruce Thomas Boehrer, ‘The Poet of Labor: Authorship and Property in the Work of Ben Jonson’, Philological Quarterly 72 (1993), 289-312.

Martin Butler, ‘Jonson’s Folio and the Politics of Patronage’, Criticism 35 (1993), 377-90.

Ian Donaldson, Jonson’s Magic Houses (1997).

Stanley Fish, ‘Authors-Readers: Jonson’s Community of the Same’, Representations 7 (1984), 26-58.

M. Flachmann, ‘Ben Jonson and the Alchemy of Satire’, SEL 17:2 (1977), 259-80.

R. Harp and S. Stewart, The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson (2000)

Sean McEvoy, Ben Jonson: Renaissance Dramatist (2008)

J. Loewenstein, Ben Jonson and Possessive Authorship (CUP, 2002)

J. Loewenstein, ‘The Script in the Marketplace’, Representations 12 (1985), 101-14.

Jonas A. Barish, ‘Jonson and the Loathèd Stage’, in The Antitheatrical Prejudice (Berkeley, 1981), pp. 132-54.


·         Part 2: Milton: politics, gender, writing

I have set certain sections of Paradise Lost to study but you would be advised to read the whole poem. The texts you must read for each week are in BOLD and are in the course booklet.

A broader bibliography on Milton is here:

The best online introduction to Milton is here:

John Rodgers’s lectures on Milton:

Excellent Podcasts on Milton's wife, his University and Early Modern London at the CELL website or through iTunes

Week 4: Milton and politics (Dr Jerome de Groot)

Richard Lovelace, ‘To Lucasta, going to the wars’

Katherine Phillips, ‘The Double Murther of King Charles’

Andrew Marvell ‘An Horatian Ode’

John Milton, ‘When the assault was intended to the city’, ‘Cromwell’, and ‘They also serve’ sonnets

Paradise Lost books 1 and 2

Further reading

Nicholas McDowell, Poetry and Allegiance
Edward Holberton,
Poetry and the Cromwellian Protectorate
Milton and Toleration ed. Sharon Achinstein
Cain, T, (1999) "A sad intestine warr" from Summers, Claude,
The English Civil Wars in the literary imagination pp.27-52, London, University of Missouri Press
Sharon Achinstein,
Literature and Dissent in Milton’s England
Sharon Achinstein,
Milton and the Revolutionary Reader
Thomas N. Corns,
Uncloistered Virtue: English Political Literature 1640-
60 (1992)
David Loewenstein, ‘Casting Down Imaginations’: Milton as Iconoclast’
Criticism 31 (1989), pp. 253-70

Ann Hughes, Gangreana

Lois Potter, Secret Rites and Secret Writing

Nigel Smith, Literature and Revolution (Yale UP, 1997)

David Norbrook, Writing the English Republic

ed. Nicholas McDowell, Oxford Handbook of Milton (2008)
W. B. Hunter Jr.,
A Milton Encyclopedia 9 vols. (1978-83)
Dennis Danielson,
The Cambridge Companion to Milton (1989)

Blair Worden, Literature and Politics in Cromwellian England: John Milton, Andrew Marvell and Marchamont Nedham (2007)


Week 5: Milton and gender (Dr Jerome de Groot)


Primary reading

Lanyer, ‘Eve’s Apology

Milton’s Eve (Paradise Lost books 4, 5, 9)

Milton sonnet ‘Methought I saw my late espoused saint’


Further Reading

Trubowith, Rachel, ‘Female Preachers and Male Wives: Gender and Authority in Civil War England’ in Pamphlet Wars: Prose in the English Revolution ed. by James Holstun (London and Oregon: Frank Cass, 1992), pp. 112–34
Veevers, Erica,
Images of Love and Religion: Queen Henrietta Maria and Court Entertainments (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989)
Hinds, Hilary,
God’s Englishwomen: Seventeenth-century radical sectarian writing and feminist criticism (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1996)
Matthew Biberman, ‘Milton, Marriage, and a Woman's Right to Divorce’
SEL 39 (1999), pp. 131-53
Lana Cable, ‘Coupling Logic and Milton's Doctrine of Divorce’
MS 15 (1981), pp. 143-59
Stephen M. Fallon, ‘The Spur of Self-Concernment: Milton in his Divorce Tracts’
MS 38 (2000), pp. 220-242
Elizabeth Hodgson, ‘When God Proposes: Theology and Gender in
TetrachordonMS 31 (1994), pp. 133-54
Amy R. McCready, ‘Milton’s Casuistry: the case of
The Doctrine and Discipline of DivorceJournal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 22 (1992), pp. 393-428


Week 7: Milton: Writing, Editing, Reception (Dr Jerome de Groot)

Primary reading

Milton – ‘A note on the rhyme’

Dryden – ‘Preface’ to Troilus and Cressida

Marvell – ‘On Mr. Milton’s Paradise Lost’


Wordsworth ‘London 1802’


Further reading

Essays on Milton’s reception here (if you use these then you must cite them):

Kay Gilliland Stevenson, ‘Reading Milton, 1674-1800’ in A Companion to Milton, ed. Thomas Corns (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), pp. 447-63 (E-resource)

Ed. Knoppers and Semenza, Milton in Popular Culture (2008)
Shawcross, ed.,
Milton: the Critical Heritage
Lucy Newlyn,
Paradise Lost and the Romantic Reader

Madeleine Callaghan, ‘Shelley and Milton’, The Oxford Handbook to Shelley


·         Part 3: Behn: women’s writing and the canon


Week 8: Behn, The Fair Jilt (Prof Jacqueline Pearson)


Primary reading


Aphra Behn, The Fair Jilt (1689)


This is available in the course handbook. If you want to read it before the handbook is available, it can be found on Early English Books Online (EEBO) or Literature Online  (accessed through the library databases).


Further reading


See reading list below for further reading for Behn and her contemporaries. 


Week 9: Female contemporaries of Behn (Prof Jacqueline Pearson)


Primary reading


Aemilia Lanyer, extracts from Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (1611); 'The Description of


Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 'A World in an Ear-ring'; 'The Poetresses Hasty

            Resolution'; 'Of Fishes'; 'Natures Oven'; 'The Hunting of the Hare'.

Katherine Phillips, 'To my excellent Lucasia, on our friendship, 17th July, 1653'; 'To

            Rosania, now Mrs Mountague, being with her'; 'ORINDA upon little HECTOR


Aphra Behn, 'To the Fair Clarinda, who Made Love to Me, Imagin'd More than Woman';

             'The Willing Mistress'; 'The Disappointment'; 'On a Juniper Tree, Cut down to Make

            Busks'; Epilogue to Sir Patient Fancy.

Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea, 'Adam Pos'd'; 'The Introduction';  'A Nocturnall

            Reverie'; 'Ardelia's answer to Ephelia'; 'An Invitation to Dafnis'; 'Upon my Lord

            Winchilsea’s Converting the Mount in his Garden to a Terras'.


All these are available in the course handbook. If you want to read them before the handbook is available, they can be found on Early English Books Online (EEBO) or Literature Online  (accessed through the library databases). Some are also available in collected works or anthologies.


Further reading


Gender, sex and sexuality



Anthony Fletcher, Gender, Sex and Subordination in England 1500 -1800 (1995)



Amanda Capern, The Historical Study of Women: England, 1500-1700 (2008)

Sara Mendelson and Patricia Crawford, Women in Early Modern England (1998)

Linda Woodbridge, Women and the English Renaissance: Literature and the Nature of

            Womankind, 1540-1620 (1984).



Tim Hitchcock and Michèle Cohen, English Masculinities 1660-1800 (1999).

Michael McKeon, ‘Historicizing Patriarchy: the Emergence of Gender Difference in England,

            1660-1760’ (Eighteenth-century Studies, 28), pp. 295-322.

Alexandra Shepard, Meanings of Manhood in Early Modern England (2003)


Sex and sexuality

Faramerz Dabhoiwala, The Origins of Sex: a History of the First Sexual Revolution (2012) Bruce Smith, Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare's England: a Cultural Poetics (1995)

Valerie Traub, The Renaissance of Lesbianism in Early Modern England (2002)


Women writers, the literary world and the canon



Danielle Clarke, The Politics of Early Modern Women’s Writing (2001)

Catherine Gallagher, Nobody's Story: the Vanishing Act of Women Writers in the

            Marketplace 1670-1820 (1995)

Vivien Jones ed., Women and Literature in Britain, 1700-1800 (2000)

Barbara K. Lewalski, Writing Women in Jacobean England (1993)

Anita Pacheco ed., Early Modern Women Writers 1600-1720 (1998)

Anita Pacheco ed., A Companion to Early Modern Women's Writing (2008)

Sarah Prescott, Women, Authorship and Literary Culture, 1690-1740 (2003)

Paul Salzman, Reading Early Modern Women's Writing (2006)

Betty A. Schellenberg, The Professionalization of Women Writers in Eighteenth-century

            Britain (2005)

Helen Smith, Grossly Material Things: Women and Book Production in Early Modern

            England (2013)

Susan Staves, A Literary History of Women's Writing in Britain, 1660-1789 (2006)

Kim Walker, Women Writers of the English Renaissance (1996).

Wendy Wall, The Imprint of Gender: Authorship and Publication in the English Renaissance


Helen Wilcox ed., Women and Literature in Britain, 1500-1700 (1996)

Susan Wiseman, Conspiracy & Virtue: Women, Writing and Politics in Seventeenth-

            Century England (2006)

Ramona Wray, Women Writers of the Seventeenth Century (2004)


Prose fiction (with or without women writers)

J. Paul Hunter, Before Novels: the Cultural Contexts of Eighteenth-century Fiction (1990)

Michael McKeon, The Origins of the English Novel, 1600-1740 (1987)

Jane Spencer, The Rise of the Woman Novelist: Aphra Behn to Jane Austen (1993)

Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel (1957)


Women and poetry

Carol Barash, English Women's Poetry, 1649-1714: Politics, Community, and Linguistic

            Authority (1996)

Lynette McGrath, Subjectivity and Women’s Poetry in Early Modern England (2002)

Dorothy Mermin, ‘Women becoming poets: Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, Anne Finch’ (English Literary History 57, 1990), pp. 335-55.

Sarah Prescott and David E. Shuttleton eds., Women and Poetry 1660-1750 (2003)

Barbara Smith and Ursula Appelt eds., Write or be written: Early Modern Women Poets and

            Cultural Constraints (2001).



The standard collected works of Behn is ed. Janet Todd, The Works of Aphra Behn (7 vols., 1992-6).


The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn (Cambridge University Press, 2004), edited by Derek Hughes and Janet Todd, offers a good survey of Behn’s work and useful suggestions for further reading.


A good book for establishing Behn’s political context is Hero Chalmers, Royalist Women Writers, 1650-1689 (2004).


There are also a number of collections of articles on Behn which are worth consulting:


Heidi Hutner ed., Rereading Aphra Behn: History, Theory and Criticism (1993)

Mary Ann O'Donnell, Bernard Dhuicq and Guyonne Leduc, Aphra Behn (1640-1689):

Identity, Alterity, Ambiguity (2000)

Janet Todd, Aphra Behn Studies (1996)


Behn is the only woman writer of this period who has really been studied in depth for her influence on contemporaries and later writers. See especially


Margarete Rubik, Aphra Behn and her Female Successors (2011)

Jane Spencer, Aphra Behn's Afterlife (2000)


Prose Fiction: general

Ros Ballaster, Seductive Forms: Women's Amatory Fiction from 1684 to 1740 (1992)

Rachel K. Carnell, ‘Subverting tragic conventions: Aphra Behn’s turn to the novel’ (Studies in the Novel 31, 1999), pp. 133-51.

Jacqueline Pearson, ‘Gender and Narrative in the Fiction of Aphra Behn' (Review of

            English Studies, 1991), pp. 40-56, 179-90.

Jacqueline Pearson, ‘The short fiction (excluding Oroonoko)’ (The Cambridge Companion

            to Aphra Behn, 2004, ed. Derek Hughes and Janet Todd), pp. 188-203.


The Fair Jilt and other short fiction

James Fitzmaurice, ‘The narrator in Aphra Behn’s The Fair Jilt’ (Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 42, 1994), pp. 131-38.

Christopher Flint, Family Fictions: Narrative and Domestic Relations in Britain,

            1688-1798 (1998), esp. Ch. 2.               

Jessica Munns, ‘“With nosegays and gloves ... / So trim and gay”: Clothing and Public

            Execution in the Eighteenth Century’ (Jessica Munns and Penny Richards eds., The

            Clothes that Wear Us: Essays on Dressing and Transgressing in Eighteenth-century

            Culture, 1999), pp. 271-300.



Bernard Duyfhuizen, ‘“That which I dare not name”: Aphra Behn's ‘The Willing Mistress’’ (English Literary History 58, 1991), pp. 63-82.

Jennifer Frangos, 'Aphra Behn's Cunning Stunts: "To the Fair Clarinda"' (Eighteenth

            Century: Theory and Interpretation 45, 2004), pp. 21-40.

Roberta C. Martin, '"Beauteous Wonder of a Different Kind": Aphra Behn's Destabilization

            of Sexual Categories' (College English 61, 1998), pp. 192-210.

Dorothy Mermin, ‘Women becoming poets: Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, Anne Finch’  (English Literary History 57, 1990), pp. 335-55.

Jessica Munns, ‘“But to the touch were soft”: pleasure, power and impotence in ‘The

            Disappointment’ and ‘The Golden Age’’ (Janet Todd ed., Aphra Behn Studies, 1996),

            pp. 178-99.

Bill Overton, 'Aphra Behn's Versification' (Women's Writing 19, 2012), pp. 145-64.

Bronwen Price, ‘Playing the “Masculine Part”: Finding a Difference within Behn's Poetry’

            (Kate Chegdzoy, Claire Hansen and Suzanne Trill eds., Voicing Women, 1996), pp.


Elizabeth Young, ‘Aphra Behn, Gender and Pastoral' (Studies in English Literature 33,

            1993), pp. 523-43.

Lisa M. Zeitz and Peter Thoms, ‘Power, Gender and Identity in Aphra Behn's ‘The

            Disappointment’ (Studies in English Literature 37, 1997), pp. 501-16.


Other women poets


Aemilia Lanyer

Elaine V. Beilin, ‘The Feminization of Praise: Aemilia Lanyer' (Redeeming Eve: Women Writers of the English Renaissance, 1987), pp. 177-207.

Ann Baynes Coiro, ‘Writing in Service: Sexual Politics and Class Position in the Poetry of

            Aemilia Lanyer and Ben Jonson’ (Criticism 35, 1993), pp. 357-76.

John Garrison, 'Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum and the Production of

            Possibility' (Studies in Philology 109, 2012), pp. 290-310.

Marshall Grossman ed., Aemilia Lanyer: Gender, Genre and the Canon (1998)

Elizabeth H. Hageman, ‘Women's poetry in early modern Britain' (Helen Wilcox ed. Women

            and Literature in Britain 1500-1700, 1996), pp. 190-208.     

Catherine Keohane, ‘"That blindest Weakenesse be not over-bold": Aemilia Lanyer's Radical

            Unfolding of the Passion (English Literary History 64, 1997), pp. 359-90.

Barbara K. Lewalski, ‘Of God and good women: the Poems of Aemilia Lanyer' (Margaret

            Hannay ed., Silent But for the Word: Tudor Women as Patrons, Translators, and

            Writers of Religious Texts, 1986), pp. 203-224.

Lynette McGrath, ‘"Let us have our Liberties Againe": Aemilia Lanier's 17th-century

            Feminist Voice’ (Women's Studies 20, 1992), pp. 331-48.

Femke Molekamp, 'Reading Christ the Book in Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum

            (1611): Iconography and the Culture of Reading' (Studies in Philology 109, 2012), pp.


Janel Mueller, ‘The Feminist Poetics of Aemilia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum’ (Lynn

            Keller and Cristanne Miller eds., Feminist Measures, 1994), pp. 208-36.

Su Fang Ng, 'Aemilia Lanyer and the Politics of Praise' (ELH 67, 2000), pp. 67-97.

Jacqueline Pearson, ‘Women writers and women readers: the case of Aemilia Lanier' (Kate

            Chegdzoy, Melanie Hanson and Suzanne Trill eds., Voicing Women: Gender and

            Sexuality in Early Modern Society, 1996), pp. 45-54.

Jacqueline Pearson, '“An emblem of themselves, in plum or pear”: Poetry, the female body

            and the country house' (Barbara Smith and Ursula Appelt eds., Write or be written:

            Early Modern Women Poets and Cultural Constraints, 2001), pp. 87-104.

Susanne Woods, Lanyer: a Renaissance Woman Poet (1999).


Katherine Phillips

Harrieet Andreadis, 'Re-configuring Early Modern Friendship: Katherine Phillips and Homoerotic Desire' (SEL 46, 2006), pp. 528-42.

Andrea Brady, 'The Platonic Poems of Katherine Phillips' (Seventeenth Century 25, 2010), pp. 300-22.

Celia E. Easton, 'Excusing the Breach of Nature's Laws: Denial and Disguise in Katherine

            Phillips' Friendship Poetry' (Anita Pacheco ed., Early Modern Women Writers 1600-

            1720, 1998), pp. 89-107.

Elizabeth M. A. Hodgson, 'Katherine Phillips, Agent of Matchlessess' (Women's Writing 10, 2003), pp.119-36.

Hilary Menges, 'Authorship, Friendship and Forms of Publication in Katherine Phillips' (ELH 57, 1990), pp. 517-41.

Bronwen Price, 'A Rhetoric of Innocence: the Poetry of Katherine Phillips, "the Matchless

            Orinda"' (Barbara Smith and Ursula Appelt eds., Write or be written: Early Modern

            Women Poets and Cultural Constraints, 2001), pp. 174-216.

Andrew Shiflett, '"Subdu'd by You": States of Friendship and Friends of the State in

            Katherine Phillips' Poetry' (Barbara Smith and Ursula Appelt eds., Write or be

            written: Early Modern Women Poets and Cultural Constraints, 2001), pp. 177-95. Paul Trolander and Zeynep Tenger, 'Katherine Phillips and Coterie Critical Practices'

            (Eighteenth-Century Studies 37, 2004), pp. 367-87.


Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle



Anna Battigelli, Margaret Cavendish and the Exiles of the Mind (1998)

Katie Whitaker, Mad Madge: the Extraordinary Life of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (2003)


Sylvia Bowerbank, ‘“The Spider's Delight”: Margaret Cavendish and the “Female”

Imagination’ (English Literary Renaissance 14, 1984), pp. 392-408.

Stephen Clucas ed., A Princely Brave Woman: Essays on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (2003)

Sara Heller Mendelson, The Mental World of Stuart Women: Three Studies (1987)



Bronwen Price, 'Feminine Modes of Knowing and Scientific Enquiry: Margaret Cavendish's

            Poetry as Case Study' (Helen Wilcox ed., Women and Literature in Britain, 1500-

            1700, 1996, pp. 117-39.

Elizabeth Scott-Bauman, '"Baked in the oven of applause": the Blazon and the Body in

            Margaret Cavendish's Fancies' (Women's Writing 15, 2008), pp. 86-106.

Elaine Walker, 'Looking for Ambrosia: Margaret Cavendish and the torment of  a restless

            mind in Poems, and Fancies 1653' (Women's Writing 4, 1997), pp. 341-51.


Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea

Carol Barash, ‘The Political Origins of Anne Finch's Poetry (Huntington Library Quarterly,

            54, 1991), pp. 327-51.

Charles H. Hinnant, The Poetry of Anne Finch: an Essay in Interpretation (1994)

Charles H. Hinnant, 'Femininsm and Femininity: a Reconsideration of "Ardelia's Answer to

            Ephelia"' (Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 33, 1992), pp. 119-32.

Nicole Jordan, '"Where Power is Absolute": Royalist Politics and the Improved Landscape in

            a Poem by Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea' (Eighteenth Century: Theory and

            Interpretation 46, 2005), pp. 255-77.

Jennifer Keith, ‘The Poetics of Anne Finch’ (Studies in English Literature 38, 1998), pp. 465-


Deborah Kennedy, 'The Radical Throne: Religion and the Poetry of Anne Finch, Countess of

            Winchilsea' (Women's Writing 18, 2011), pp. 423-40

Beth Kowaleski-Wallace, 'Women, China and Consumer Culture in Eighteenth-century

            England' (Eighteenth-century Studies 29, 1996), pp. 153-67.

Barbara McGovern, Anne Finch and her Poetry: a Critical Biography (1992)

Anne Messenger, ‘Publishing without Perishing: Lady Winchilsea's ’Miscellany Poems’ of

            1713' (Restoration 5, 1981), pp. 25-37.

Christopher R. Miller, ‘Staying out Late: Anne Finch’s Poetics of Evening’ (Studies in

            English Literature 45, 2005), pp. 603-23.


·         Part 4: Pope, the mock-epic, and the literary marketplace


Week 10: Pope, Rape of the Lock (Dr Noelle Gallagher)


Primary reading


Rape of the Lock (in course booklet)

You may also wish to acquaint yourself with the broader cultural and social history of the eighteenth century by looking at the introduction to the Norton Anthology of English Literature Volume C: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century ed. Stephen Greenblatt and M. H. Abrams. (New York: Norton, 2012), pp. 2177-2205.  Copies of the Norton Anthology are available on reserve in the library.



Further Reading on Eighteenth-Century Poetry and Poetics


Battestin, Martin C. The Providence of Wit: Aspects of Augustan Form in Literature

and the Arts (Oxford: Clarendon, 1974).

Brewer, John, The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century (London: Harpercollins, 1997).

Fairer, David, English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century 1700-1789 (London: Longman,


Fussell, Paul, The Rhetorical Style of Augustan Humanism: Ethics and Imagery from

            Swift to Burke (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965).

Weinbrot, Howard, Britannia’s Issue: The Rise of British Literature from Dryden to           Ossian (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).  



Week 11: Pope in the world (Dr Noelle Gallagher)



Primary reading


Mary Leapor, “An Essay on Woman”; Jonathan Swift, “The Lady’s Dressing Room,” John Pomfret, “The Choice” (all in the course booklet). 


You are strongly encouraged to begin reading Joseph Andrews for next week.


Further Reading

Barker-Benfield, G. J. The Culture of Sensibility (Chicago: University of Chicago   Press, 1996).

Colley, Linda, Britons: Forging the Nation (New Haven: Yale University Press,


Hunt, Margaret, The Middling Sort: Commerce, Gender, and the Family in England          1680-1780 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996).

Langford, Paul, Eighteenth-Century Britain: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).

McKendrick, Neil, John Brewer, and J. H. Plumb, The Birth of a Consumer Society

            (London: HarperCollins, 1984).

Pincus, Steven, 1688: The First Modern Revolution (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009).

Porter, Roy, English Society in the Eighteenth Century (Harmondsworth: Penguin,             1990).

Stone, Lawrence, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800      (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990).




Week 12: The mock-epic and the novel (Dr Noelle Gallagher)


Primary reading


Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews ed. Thomas Keymer (Oxford: OUP, 2008).

ISBN 9780199536986


Further reading


On Fielding and the novel genre


Robert Alter, Fielding and the Nature of the Novel (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard      University Press, 1968).

Scott Black, “Anachronism and the Uses of Form in Joseph Andrews” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 38 (2005): 147-64.

Homer Goldberg, “Come Prose Epic or Comic Romance: The Argument of the Preface to

Joseph Andrews,” Philological Quarterly 43 (1964): 193-215. 

Paul Hunter, Occasional Form: Henry Fielding and the Chains of Circumstance (Baltimore:

Johns Hopkins, 1977).

Ronald Paulson, Satire and the Novel in Eighteenth-Century England (New Haven:            Yale University Press, 1969).

Stephanson, Raymond.  “The Education of the Reader in Fielding's Joseph            Andrews” Philological Quarterly 61 (1982), 243-258.


Joseph Andrews and the epic / neoclassicism


Robert Alter, “Fielding and the Uses of Style” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 1(1967): 53-63.

Irving Ehrenpreis, “Fielding’s use of Fiction: The Autonomy of Joseph Andrews,” in         Twelve Original Essays on Great English Novels, ed. Charles Shapiro.

(Wayne State University Press, 1960), 23-41.

Roger D Lund,  “Augustan Burlesque and the Genesis of Joseph Andrews” Studies in       Philology 103 (2006): 88-119.

Claude J. Rawson, Fielding and the Augustan Ideal Under Stress. (London: Routledge and

Kegan Paul, 1972).

Mark Spilka, “Fielding and the Epic Impulse” Criticism 11:1 (1969) 68-77. 



Joseph Andrews, history, biography, and journalism

Hamilton Beck, “The Novel Between 1740 and 1780: Parody and Historiography”            Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (1985): 405-16.

Brian McCrea, “Fielding's ‘Omniscient’ Narrator: Romances, Newspapers, and the            Voice of True History” in Downie, J. A. (ed.) Henry Fielding In Our Time:      Papers Presented at the Tercentenary Conference. (Newcastle upon Tyne,      England: Cambridge Scholars, 2008), 303-13.

Ruth Mack, Literary Historicity: Literature and Historical Experience in Eighteenth-          Century Britain. (Stanford UP, 2009).

Robert M. Wallace, “Fielding’s Knowledge of History and Biography” in Studies in          Philology 44 (1947) 89-107.

Feminist readings of Joseph Andrews


Jill Campbell, “'The exact picture of his mother': Recognizing Joseph          Andrews” ELH 55.3 (1988 Fall): 643-664.

Jill Campbell, Natural Masques: Gender and Identity in Fielding’s Plays and Novels.         (Stanford University Press, 1995), 131-202.

Susan Staves, “Fielding and the Comedy of Attempted Rape” in History, Gender, and      Eighteenth-Century Literature ed. Beth Fowkes Tobin (Athens: U of Georgia     Press, 1994), 86-112.



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